What are the numbers in the heart?
This is the number of clips in POCKET PARCO!
POCKET PARCO is a convenient and affordable smartphone app that offers new Parco shopping proposals.

At POCKET PARCO, enjoy shopping while reading articles about popular brands and products! You can clip (save) products and articles you care about with a single button. Limited items that can only be purchased here are also CHECK♪
BRAGENIC Smoothing (Bragenic Smoothing)
A group designed with an impressive color scheme of large flowers drawn on a three-dimensional stretch lace.
A large net creates a imprint and makes the flower pattern stand out.
・Gradient color [IV color] with the image of white lily with a gentle impression
・Color with the image of a calm silver leaf plant [LB color]
・Color expansion of [PU color] with the image of purple crocus that feels color.♡
- Lady
- White
- Beige
- Green
- Purple
- Pink
- Underwear
- Bra
- Shorts
- Bra and shorts
- Trunks
- Boxer pants
- Roomware
- Pajama
- Pocket parco
- Amphi
- amphi
- wacoal
- Wacoal
- Bragenic
- Non-wire
- Non-wirebra
- Smoothing
- Back
- Refreshing
- Silhouette
- It's hard to see
- Simple
- West Building 4F
- Products and Menus
- West Building